When you are not in the mood to watch television, read, listen to music or embark on any hobby you like but are suffering from acute boredom, this list will help you :p
! Wear socks and skate when you are at home. Most offices have sparkly flooring so shoes will do.
! Play games online with a ten year old and when he loses, tell him he lost to a seven year old girl! :D
! Stare at people for a long time and see who breaks eye contact first. ( Me and the youngest bro always have staring matches.)
! Jump on your bed. When was the last time you did that?
! Day dream. I'm married to a vampire knight from the 12th century , we live in a Scottish castle and the sex is of course amazing! :p
! Look around your room, think it deserves to be cleaner? Think of ways it could be worse and then commend yourself for having a clean room.
! Find different ways of shaking your bum in front of your mirror. I can draw an infinity symbol. Can you?? :D
! Bug other people. I sweetly ask permission with a puppy face and then bug them relentlessly.
! Feed the crows near your home regularly. Trust me, they recognize you after a while! It effectively stops accidental swooping, pecking or the pooping.
! Take a shower all the while singing in a loud voice.
! Play dress up. Yes. More power to you if you are a male.
! Ask your parents where you were when they got married, this always gets ridiculous looks if you are in your twenties.
Now I'm off to try all of the above. Any things you'd like to add?
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