
Thursday, June 21, 2012

List of things I ought to do so they don't get added on to my Bucket List.

There are a lot of things I've been wanting to do over the years.. I've had a Bucket list before but I lost it and I'm sure I never did even one thing on the list.

This is my digitized version. I am hoping that this time, I get to do the stuff on the list with a little help and eventually the list grows.

  • Throw a house party for all my best pals.
  • Dye a couple of my hair strands in pink or red. 
  • Play football with boys.
  • Catch a movie alone and absolutely enjoy the solitude.
  • Wear clothes I don't usually wear- Denim shorts and a closed halter.
  • Play hop scotch.
  • Dance in a room full of people without a care that I have two left feet.
  • Go for a long drive with a bunch of good pals.
  • Buy lingerie in all my favorite colors. I'm an unrepentant lingerie lover.
  • Sleep under the stars.
  • Lie on snow and make snow angels. Age no bar.
  • Go to Rome and drink afternoon tea.
  • Stay in an archaic bed room and sleep on an old four poster bed with white sheets.
  • Wear a bikini and go for a swim in a closed enclave one evening.
  • Do the waltz with a significant other.
  • Ride a horse or at least pat down one.
  • Pay for food in an old age home/orphanage.
  • Buy a bright yellow hand bag.
  • Ask an unattached young French man if he can French kiss.
  • Have a charcoal grill and make yummy chicken.
  • Travel!!
  • Write a love letter.
  • Get a kitten. Said kitten sleeps near my bed.
  • Significant other gifts me blood red roses. 
  • Woman up and get a Brazilian wax. Ouch.
  • Publish my novel.

To be continued........

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wacky things to do when you are bored

When you are not in the mood to watch television, read, listen to music or embark on any hobby you like but are suffering from acute boredom, this list will help you :p

! Wear socks and skate when you are at home. Most offices have sparkly flooring so shoes will do.

!  Play games online with a ten year old and when he loses, tell him he lost to a seven year old girl! :D

! Stare at people for a long time and see who breaks eye contact first. ( Me and the youngest bro always have staring matches.)

! Jump on your bed. When was the last time you did that?

! Day dream. I'm married to a vampire knight from the 12th century , we live in a Scottish castle and the sex is of course amazing! :p

! Look around your room, think it deserves to be cleaner? Think of ways it could be worse and then commend yourself for having a clean room. 

! Find different ways of shaking your bum in front of your mirror. I can draw an infinity symbol. Can you?? :D

! Bug other people. I sweetly ask permission with a puppy face and then bug them relentlessly.

! Feed the crows near your home regularly. Trust me, they recognize you after a while! It effectively stops accidental swooping, pecking or the pooping.

! Take a shower all the while singing in a loud voice. 

! Play dress up. Yes. More power to you if you are a male.

! Ask your parents where you were when they got married, this always gets ridiculous looks if you are in your twenties.

Now I'm off to try all of the above. Any things you'd like to add?

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Can love make you happy?

The person who can make you happy is... You. Happiness comes from within, from who you are, from what you do. Sometimes, we make the mistake of thinking some one else can make us happy.

Another person, a friend or a partner can only add on or enrich your life experience, good or bad. Expecting some one else to make your life happy is like expecting some one else to do your work. It doesn't work always.

Why do we always think that falling in love or getting hitched will make us happy? No one 'completes you'. If you think your partner can 'complete you', you are in for a major disappointment in life.

Why do we give so much emphasis on another person and not on ourselves? If you cannot make yourself happy, how can anybody else?

Friendships,partnerships, relationships, marriages are all about sharing each others' life experiences. 'Trying to change' the other is when all of the above come crashing down.
People are the happiest when friends or spouses accept them the way they are.

The key is "I am happy being this way and you are happy being who you are. Let's share our lives."

Follies happen when either try to conform the other to their personal rules, family expectations or their society's rules.Acceptance is the key here. If you cannot accept them, then it is better to steer away from that person.

If you are a person who drinks, get a partner who will take you out for shots. If you love dancing, get a partner who will dance away the night with you. If you are a home body, get someone who will stay at home with you. If you love weird sex get a partner who will share your kinky nature. To put it simply, get someone who has a lot in common with you or get someone whose differences, beliefs and outlook you truly accept.

When you get friends or get hitched to suit what your parents or society mandates as good for you, is when you are asking for trouble. If your parents views or society's views match with yours then go for it. Else put your happiness in front of all of them. Losing one's individuality to fit in someone's rule book will never give either peace. Life's too short to live satisfying everyone else but you.

Love can make you happy only when those involved accept the other with all their faults or quirks and not try to change them. Ever. Not now, not in 10 years and not in 50 years either. Love or Marriage won't mellow you down nor will it make you responsible or anything else elders believe. If you always have a free streak, mingle more with friends, or have a flirty nature then nothing can change you nor the other person.

The saying people change is a myth. People can never change who they are. They may become better or worse, but their essence never changes. People do not change into something they never were.

So love yourself and accept that neither will you change nor can you change another person. That is where happiness is.