
Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Bad Boys - Why women find them attractive

Women have always found bad boys more appealing.

I don't think women anywhere find women-beaters or cavemen attractive in any way, so they do not figure anywhere in my "Bad Guys" category.

No, when I mean bad guys, I'm not talking just about the stud with the scary tattoo, or the mean looking biker, or the one steeped in alcohol/dope over a loved one, or the commitment-phobe ; the bad boys could be rebels in their own right, but all with supposedly good intentions and an armored heart.

So why do women find these bad boys attractive?

* Some women harbor this romantic notion that once a bad boy falls for them, these women could change the man by the power of their love. These women want to be the one whom the commitment-phobe married or the one who tasted sweeter than alcohol or coke.They see themselves as saviors or nurturers of these men.

* Women think these social rebels could never be boring and a relationship with these guys would be exciting.

* The challenge that no woman before her could tame him.

* The belief that these men are really good under the sack and the unfounded belief that she will be the last mermaid for his sailor.
* Women believe that underneath all that ruggedness and lashing out, beats a heart of gold that's waiting to be taken.

However, a research has proven that though women are attracted towards bad boys, they'd rather have good ones as husbands.

So are the bad boys doomed to be alone? Are the women playing savior for men who don't want to be saved?