
Friday, October 12, 2012

If I could get hitched in a Library ...

Today, after a long time I found myself in a library, reading. The smell of books, the quiet and me flipping through pages alone,  got me feeling a calm bliss.
I apparently love books more than I love social contact and suddenly thought it would be a wacky idea to get married in a library. This triggered my thought on why I have always loved books.

 My first book was 'Little Red Riding Hood' which my dad got me from a lending library. To this day, I don't remember if I chose the book because it had a red girl on it or if I love Red because I chose the book.

As a child I remember reading 'The Secret Garden' and crying my heart out and as I grew, I've read suspense, fantasy, sci-fi action with romances being a fixture. I've read books for 2 days straight without water or food! Yeah, am that crazy.

Non-fiction never appealed much to me because I read books to escape from hard reality.
I still do, seek to escape from reality, that is. Sometimes though, my cynical self rears its head and I throw the soppy novel I've been reading. Then, after weeks, I read another one all through the night. I realized that sometimes I'm completely buried in books and then I get bored and stay away from them. A love-hate relationship of sorts.

With the advent of e-books, I see myself reading more stories, but I still miss the thrill of turning pages and the smell of a well-read book. Books have shaped the way I think, the way I perceive the world and unfortunately my expectations too. So far, the only grouse has been that books have, in a way, clouded my sense of reality and my expectations. However, I'm still in two minds if it's a good thing or not.

For other people books are a hobby, for me books have always been a part of my life, I could always bury my sorrows in a good book, laugh the loudest because I read something  or be completely moved by a book for days together.

To books, I will always love you. Thank you for being there for me.

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