
Thursday, June 21, 2012

List of things I ought to do so they don't get added on to my Bucket List.

There are a lot of things I've been wanting to do over the years.. I've had a Bucket list before but I lost it and I'm sure I never did even one thing on the list.

This is my digitized version. I am hoping that this time, I get to do the stuff on the list with a little help and eventually the list grows.

  • Throw a house party for all my best pals.
  • Dye a couple of my hair strands in pink or red. 
  • Play football with boys.
  • Catch a movie alone and absolutely enjoy the solitude.
  • Wear clothes I don't usually wear- Denim shorts and a closed halter.
  • Play hop scotch.
  • Dance in a room full of people without a care that I have two left feet.
  • Go for a long drive with a bunch of good pals.
  • Buy lingerie in all my favorite colors. I'm an unrepentant lingerie lover.
  • Sleep under the stars.
  • Lie on snow and make snow angels. Age no bar.
  • Go to Rome and drink afternoon tea.
  • Stay in an archaic bed room and sleep on an old four poster bed with white sheets.
  • Wear a bikini and go for a swim in a closed enclave one evening.
  • Do the waltz with a significant other.
  • Ride a horse or at least pat down one.
  • Pay for food in an old age home/orphanage.
  • Buy a bright yellow hand bag.
  • Ask an unattached young French man if he can French kiss.
  • Have a charcoal grill and make yummy chicken.
  • Travel!!
  • Write a love letter.
  • Get a kitten. Said kitten sleeps near my bed.
  • Significant other gifts me blood red roses. 
  • Woman up and get a Brazilian wax. Ouch.
  • Publish my novel.

To be continued........


  1. come on! This is no bucket list, half of these things u can do in the next one year and some others are not in your hands to get done! woman up and make a real one!!


  2. Wohahahaha.. Ya I hear u... But let me get at least half of these things done. I've been having the same items for 3 yrs now!! So once these are done, I'm gonna get down and dirty. :D
